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Dear friends, With beautiful photos appearing from walled gardens everywhere, gardens open again for a new season and the hungry gap just about behind us, we are really pleased to let you know about plans for 2023. Ahead of that we first want to send congratulations again to Susan Campbell on being awarded the RHS Veitch Memorial Medal 2023 – given for her dedication and decades of work on, and with walled kitchen gardens. This Award is given ‘for outstanding contribution to the advancement of the science and practice of horticulture’ and is wonderful recognition of everything Susan has done to bring these gardens to the fore and re-establish understanding… Read more »

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‘I am in awe of what Sarah Wain & Jim Buckland have achieved at West Dean and this superb book is a testament to inspired, uncompromising horticulture at its very best.’ Monty Don At West Dean The creation of an exemplary garden By Jim Buckland & Sarah Wain Photography by Andrea Jones White Lion Publishing | 4th October 2018 West Dean Gardens in West Sussex is one of the greatest restored gardens open to the public today. At West Dean is the first book to comprehensively document this extensive and unique project; a celebration of the gardening excellence and love affair with planting that Jim Buckland and Sarah Wain have… Read more »

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14th and 15th October 2022 Retrospective and Renaissance – a Revival of the Walled Kitchen Garden To celebrate this 21st anniversary of the Walled Kitchen Gardens Network we will be looking at the extraordinary revival of walled kitchen gardens over the last 20-30 years,  to future opportunities and the amazing work in gardens brought back to life as productive gardens. In 2000, the kitchen gardens at Audley End were reopened to the public by English Heritage after extensive restoration work, and are renowned as one of the best examples of a working historic walled kitchen garden. We are returning to the gardens, 20 years after the first WKGN Forum held there in… Read more »

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The Symposium at Chambord at the end of June was an outstanding success bringing together Gardeners, Owners, Designers and Historians to mix and share their knowledge and skills. The proceedings of this get-together as well as the slides, videos and text of the 8 previous online presentations are now available at We plan to hold another European Symposium in 2024, venue to be decided.

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We are delighted to invite you to our annual Open Day  in Gilmerton House Kitchen Garden. We will be open on Sunday 4th September from 12 noon to 4 pm. Come and see the garden at its best and purchase some flowers and other produce, for a donation to the garden. As always, entrance is free but you will have the opportunity to buy raffle tickets with a number of valuable prizes up for grabs (including afternoon tea for 10 people in Gilmerton House). What else is on offer? Well there will be:An exhibition and demonstration of willow weaving and a chance to buy some woven products.The opportunity to find out all… Read more »

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14th and 15th October 2022 A Retrospective – the Renaissance and Revival of the Walled Kitchen Garden Dear Friends Booking is open! We are very happy to confirm the dates for our long overdue Forum at the wonderful walled kitchen garden at Audley End, Saffron Walden in Essex, a jewel of the English Heritage crown This time we are meeting on Friday and Saturday – on Friday 14th Oct. we will be at Audley End, Head Gardener Louise Ellis and the Kitchen Gardens team with us for the day. We will be visiting other walled gardens on Saturday 15th Oct. To celebrate this 21st anniversary of the Walled Kitchen Gardens… Read more »

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YES, AFTER A DELAY OF 2 YEARS WE’RE BACK! When looking at what we posted back then we realised that it just needed a few adjustments As you will have read we are returning, by invitation, to Audley End for our Forum this year, to help celebrate the 20th (make that 22nd) anniversary of reopening of the walled kitchen gardens in 2000, following the extensive restoration by English Heritage of the kitchen garden and glasshouses. It is now also 19 years (21 years of course) since the foundation of the Walled Kitchen Gardens Network by Susan Campbell with the late Fiona Grant. The first WKGN Forum was held at Audley… Read more »

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