Private owners will find it very difficult getting funding for a restoration project, unless there are clear arrangements for public access and a sharing of control and management of the project.
Funders invariably support charities, voluntary and community-based organisations. Therefore, if you own a walled garden you may have to develop a partnership with other organisations to secure funding for restoration. The Heritage Lottery Fund may fund restoration projects, and there are a number of other government and other funds that will fund projects that have other aims but that could be located in the walled garden and so provide funds for restoration and management.
The Historic Garden Bursary Scheme
Would you like help to advance your horticultural career, acquire practical skills and knowledge in these kinds of areas: propagation for historic and botanic gardens, record keeping for plant collections, management of veteran trees or the restoration of walled gardens?
The Historic and Botanic Garden Bursary Scheme enables enthusiastic and committed horticulturalists to increase their horticultural and other technical skills through practically based training placements, in a range of historic and botanic gardens.
Find out more by going to