Ironwork from Mackenzie and Moncur vinery for sale

The Lady Ryder Memorial Garden on the Bucks /Oxon border has two Mackenzie and Moncur vinehouses each measuring 20ft across by 14ft deep divided by a glass wall. They were built about 1900. Sadly we cannot afford the vast cost of restoring them as the wood and remaining glass is beyond repair. However the iron work and winding gear for the roof lights and front panes are complete and in working order and we are aiming to raise funds towards the restoration of the Garden as a whole by selling this ironwork. We also have a few pieces including winding handles from another long gone apricot and peach house. Viewing… Read more »

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Garden Manager

R H S Gardens Hyde Hall 37.5 hours per week (any 5 days in 7) Circa £33,529 per annum Excite your passion for horticulture and come and join the team at the RHS With the RHS investing over £7m at RHS Garden Hyde Hall including a number of new garden features, the opportunity this position offers working in this unique Essex based garden cannot be underestimated. The 365 acre estate currently receives over 240,000 visitors annually with the aim to expand and grow these numbers over the coming years. As part of the garden expansion, we are looking for a new Garden Manager to be responsible for these new features,… Read more »

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Walled Garden Available?

Hi, We’re looking to take on and/or restore a walled garden in the south Northumberland area, specifically near Hexham and Allendale. Our aim is to restore it to it’s former glory as part of a project to use horticulture to combat mental illness and social isolation. Could you give us any advice as to how to go about finding one or, indeed, do you know of anything suitable? Many thanks, Sam Coulson and Jane Pryde.

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NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2015 MUSINGS by Maz Gardening Volunteer at Tatton Park Walled Kitchen Garden, Knutsford, Cheshire The two Fig Houses in the Kitchen Garden have now been restored, and are looking good. All the weeds that have accumulated in them during the summer whilst the glasshouses were open to the elements have been removed and winter salads and vegetables have been sown in the beds. The Herb beds in front of the glasshouses are also being weeded and restored, and rearrangements taking place. Gales are expected, so trees in the Parkland were being inspected for likely problems. The Team planted at least 2,000 daffodil bulbs in the woodland where the path… Read more »

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SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2015 MUSINGS by Maz Gardening Volunteer at Tatton Park Walled Kitchen Garden, Knutsford, Cheshire Dodging the occasional shower the Tuesday Team was let loose on the apple cordons and espaliers following a brief explanatory tutorial by the Gaffer. The transformation of the trees back to neatness was like a time-lapse film, and was greatly enjoyed by the Team as it was a standing-up job with opportunity for cheery banter, which made a great change from several weeks of being on their knees weeding in the Kitchen Garden. Visitors strolling round the Orchard were fascinated by the intense activity of the happy ‘pruners’ and asked lots of questions In the… Read more »

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Situated in North Ayrshire, walled garden in need of restoration. Approximately 1.5 acres. Wall intact, 1 door and 1 x 12’ gate (made for tractor access.) Has 18-20 young assorted fruit trees – apple, plum pear etc. A few blackcurrant bushes and raspberry canes but presently a bit overgrown! Site not suitable for allotments. Phone 01475 673305 for further details

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JULY/AUGUST 2015 MUSINGS by Maz Gardening Volunteer at Tatton Park Walled Kitchen Garden, Knutsford, Cheshire Day 1: Scorchio! Day 2: Delugio! With an amazing ‘electric lightning in the clouds’ show late evening. Pity the Show Garden builders digging in round the Tatton Clump, for the RHS Tatton Park Flower Show, held in the Park on a 25 acre site later this month. The weather seems to be hot one day and wet the next. It seems to suit the wild orchids by the roadside, and the convolvulus sprawling over the hedges. Pear-rust patrolling continues, the infected leaves are becoming harder to find. The espaliered pear trees have had their new… Read more »

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The Professional Gardeners’ Trust

“The Professional Gardeners’ Trust provides professional gardeners with the opportunity to learn skills and gain qualifications by funding part-time training courses and short-term work placements. ” See the website at

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Forum Update

UPDATE FOR THE WKGN FORUM AT CROOME COURT 3rd -4th OCTOBER 2105 Arrivals commence at 9.30 on SATURDAY, 3RD OCTOBER with registration, refreshments and welcome in the entrance hall of newly restored Croome Court. At 10.00 we go through to the beautiful Long Gallery where Susan Campbell will give an introduction to the weekend, followed at 10.30 by our first speaker. Lunch and refreshments are included on both days, as well as access to Croome Park itself. Lunches will be in the walled garden with our hosts Karen and Chris Cronin.

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